Building envelope works are now complete on the Main Ward Block, York Hospital, part of York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The works comprise overcladding using our insulated aluminium rainscreen, RW45 insulation, new doors and high-performance integrated windows as part of a range of energy efficiency and carbn saving measures in collaboration with Vital Energi.
York Hospital
Client: York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Don McKenzie, Energy Manager
Main Contractor: Vital Energi Utilities Ltd / Steve Black, Director
Building: Main Ward Block
Project Duration: July 2022 – Feb 2023
Contract Value: £1.5m
A £4.338 million grant for York Hospital came from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and managed by Salix Finance, which supports the transition from fossil fuel such as gas, oil and coal heating to renewable technologies.
- Building life extended by more than 60 years
- Heating energy consumption reduced by 70%
- Operational carbon emissions
reduced by 70%
- Contemporary quality building
– “looks like a new hospital”
- Capital payback in c.10 years
from savings in heating energy alone
- Close collaboration ensured project progressed whilst the building was fully occupied with minimal disruption to patients and staff.




