Final phases to complete the Richmond Building that originaly started in 2005. Phase 5 comprises of 3,876sq m aluminium rainscreen overcladding, 480 replacement windows and internals to the Richmond Building, Horton Building, Lecture Theatre and Link Building.
University of Bradford
Horton D and Richmond Buildings
The refurbishment has been phased over 15 years in line with the University’s capital programme and funding. The coherent unified appearance has been made possible by d+b’s innovative system and design expertise enabling individual panels to be individually demountable and elevational treatments modified at later dates permitting seamless integration of all elevations into a complete building envelope.
Client: University of Bradford
Building: Horton D and Richmond Buildings
Contract Value: £2.8m
Project Duration: March 2021 to January 2022
“The project now successfully completed, follows Property Services’ successful application for £3.5m in funding from the Government’s Salix Finance scheme, which provides funding to improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and lower energy bills. The work hugely improves the thermal comfort levels for building users through high levels of insulation and will also help drive down future energy costs and our reliance on gas and the grid.”
Andrew Hague, Building Manager, Property Services




