Already firmly established as leaders in external refurbishment of the HE estate, design build facades enjoyed a busy AUDE Conference held recently at the University of Liverpool with many delegates interested in the fabric first approach to helping them achieve their carbon reduction commitments. Cliff Woodhouse, Business Development Director, commented “we are seeing growing recognition
Building relationships with clients is core to our ethos at design build facades. We strive to be flexible in our approach to meet their needs, so when Wiltshire College & University Centre needed to phase their refurbishment programme of the Avon and Wylye buildings at the Salisbury Campus in line with funding we were pleased
Overcladding of the iconic Hexagon Tower is progressing as planned. We have successfully delivered some of the most technically challenging and complex overcladding projects ever undertaken in the UK applying our unrivalled industry CV of skills, knowledge and experience. This brutal masterpiece is another on this long list of achievements. One of the major technical
With a busy start to the new year, design build facades is pleased to announce that they will shortly be commencing work at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital for Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Building envelope works to the 11-storey Tower Block at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital comprises upgrades to the external facade using our insulated aluminium rainscreen
The Sentinels comprising Cleveland and Clydesdale Towers are two 90-metre-tall residential tower blocks on Holloway Head in Birmingham. Owned by Citizen Housing , the 32 storey blocks were built in 1972. Until recently The Sentinels were the tallest purely residential tower blocks in the city. design build facades has been appointed by Citizen Housing to
design builds facades enjoyed a busy IHEEM where their fabric first message was well received by key decision makers in the healthcare sector. As leaders in transforming the NHS Estate, the conference provided the opportunity to continue building relationships with past, present and future clients including Chris Hodgson, Director of Estates and Facilities, Sussex Partnership
For over 20 years, ‘d+b facades’ has stood for ‘design + build facades’ applying the very best, industry-leading practice with outstanding and unsurpassed results. Key to our success (and proven beyond any doubt) is the beautiful ‘design build’ Form of Contract because it makes us singularly responsible for what we build, ie; the Hackitt Stakeholder and therefore
We are pleased to announce our attendance at the IHEEM Healthcare Estates Conference at the Manchester Central Complex on 4th and 5th October 2022. We will be on Stand A41 in the Energy & Sustainability Zone. Come and talk to us about how we can help decarbonise your estate by reducing heating energy consumption of
design build facades are pleased to announce that it has been awarded the contract to overclad Hexagon Tower, Blackley, Manchester. Click to view video of recently completed mockup A brutalist masterpiece with the two gables rising to create a tall V-shaped opening that lights the principal staircases, Hexagon Tower was designed by one of Britain’s
design build facades is pleased to announce that building envelope works are now underway on Block A, York Hospital, part of York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The works comprise overcladding using our insulated aluminium rainscreen and high-performance integrated windows as part of a range of energy efficiency and carbon saving measures in