East Coast College has had a lot of investment made on improving it’s Lowestoft Campus in recent years having originally been built in 1961. In December 2019 East Coast College appointed d+d facades to replace the existing combustible ACM cladding and insulation fitted to its Tower Main Teaching Block at its Lowestoft campus, and replace it with new insulation and cladding which meet current fire safety standards. d+d facades’ team started on site in early February 2020, and the project is expected to be completed in the summer of 2020, several weeks ahead of schedule and within budget.
Covid-19 Challenges
In the immediate aftermath after the lockdown was announced, d+d facades were able to provide reliable and assured guidance to the College that fire-safety projects were able to continue safely and confidently within government guidelines. The project has been able to continue on-site, and good progress continues to be made. The lockdown period has not hampered progress on this project. To the contrary, not having to work on a live site with all the restrictions that entails, combined with excellent weather conditions this Spring, and being able to benefit from additional installers redirected from other projects, has resulted in the team being able to work faster than expected.
When lockdown ends, the new student cohort will be able to occupy a fire-safe building when they return, and the campus will have a fresher and “new” appearance to start the new academic year.