The John Anderson Building housing the Department of Physics was built in 1971 and is one of the busiest buildings on the University campus. It is a concrete-framed structure of 8 floors with an envelope comprising precast concrete panels or decorative faced concrete blocks. The building has had ongoing problems with water ingress over a number of years due to the failing façade as well as high heating energy consumption.

The University has identified building fabric and services improvements as high priority projects that are key to the successful delivery of its goal to reduce carbon emissions by 80% by 2030 and to be net zero by 2040.

The scope of works include overcladding with our non-combustible insulated aluminium rainscreen system with high-performance integrated replacement windows which will exceed all current building regulations for thermal and sound performance, extend the life of the building by at least 60 years and transform the aesthetic providing a contemporary building befitting the high quality of teaching and research undertaken within. 

This project has been funded through the Scottish Funding Council’s (SFC) University Financial Transactions Programme (UFTP).