design build facades in association with Gloucestershire Managed Services and Vital Energi is overcladding the iconic Gloucester Royal Hospital tower block, transforming the building. It is halfway to completion and is compliant, on time, and on budget with minimal disruption.
Our collaborative, holistic ‘concept to completion’ approach has ensured all facets were resolved at the pre-commencement stage, to effectively de-risk the project, ensuring a positive, fully compliant, outcome.
Overcladding is the complex, high-risk activity that the Building Safety Act 2022 seeks to address. Clients ensure BSA compliance by adopting our standard Design Build approach, joining up the gateway stages of concept, design and construction with in-depth ‘competency’ assessment by reference to past, proven skills, knowledge, experience and behaviours (SKEB) of those they elect to appoint.
We have successfully delivered some of the most challenging overcladding projects ever undertaken in the UK and ensure our clients are BSA compliant throughout.
To arrange a site visit or speak to us, Contact Us.
View our SKEB.